

Professional graffiti remover for coated/painted surfaces.



Professional graffiti remover for masonry, stone and other uncoated/non-painted surfacesGR2™ is also a superior stripper for removing all types of paints, coatings and glues. More powerful but less toxic than traditional graffiti removers and strippers as it does NOT contain dangerous petrochemical solvents such as xylene, tolouene, n-pyrollidone, MEK or methylene chloride.

Stain ProtectorTM

  • Non-film forming, permanent bonding impregnator does not change the look of the surface.
  • Surface remains breathable, so that water which wicks into walls through the foundations can escape by evaporation.
  • Most popular for protecting natural stone, where it is important to maintain the look and breathability.
  • Penetrates and forms a water and oil repellent barrier, which limits the penetration of most types of graffiti. The graffiti is easier to clean and reduces possibility of permanent staining.
  • GR1TM graffiti remover is recommended for removing graffiti from surfaces treated with Stain ProtectorTM.
GR1TM Graffiti remover is safe for masonry, natural stone and coated surfaces – suitable for surfaces treated with Stain ProtectorTM. No carcinogenic petrochemical solvents.

GR2TM Powerful graffiti remover for uncoated surfaces, including masonry and natural stone – NOT suitable for use on coated surfaces or surfaces treated with Stain ProtectorTM.

This is a stand-alone product.

Grafitti Control 
Grafitti Control 

Stain Protector

Anti-Grafitti Coating


  • Limits penetration of grafitti into pores and makes cleaning easier

  • Coatings form a film barrier which provides excellent protection against all types of graffiti.

  • Graffiti removers are still required to clean graffiti, which degrade the coating.


  • Keeps look of surface regardless of which graffiti remover is used – particularly important for natural stone.

  • Creates a gloss or matte film, which can whiten, yellow and wear over time. Also, graffiti removers will degrade the film, making it look unsightly.


  • Up to 15 years: High UV stability and chemical resistance.

  • Not affected by pressure washing.

  • Sacrificial: Re-apply every time wall is pressure washed.

  • Semi-Permanent: 1-4 years depending on UV and cleaning regime. Graffiti removers can damage, then wall must be stripped to reapply.

Breathability and related issues

  • Highly breathable – water in wall able to evaporate out.

  • Keeps pores dry which retards mold growth.

  • Block pores, traps moisture inside wall.

  • Efflorescence, mold and moisture can collect under the coating.


  • Clean wall and re-apply.

  • Strip old coating off before re-application.


  • Higher initial cost of application

  • Longevity = low long-term cost

  • Lower initial cost

  • High re-application costs